Turn AI into your virtual tax preparer

See how SurePrep’s artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming 1040 tax work.

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Automate data entry

SurePrep 1040SCAN’s industry-leading OCR technology scans and populates data on 4–7 times as many documents as the alternatives.

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Reduce OCR data verification

Increase automated data entry WITHOUT increasing manual data verification. 1040SCAN’s patented, AI-powered technology auto-verifies OCR data on 65% of standard documents.

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Auto-index tax workpapers

1040SCAN automatically bookmarks and organizes standard and non-standard documents into an organized workpaper index that follows the flow of the return.

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Coming Soon! Here now!

Many vendors advertise what their AI offerings will look like in the future. SurePrep’s AI has been in deployment since 2022—with new releases and updates every year. Here’s what our technology is doing for firms today:

  • Do It Like Last Year (DILLY). No more bookmarking and inputting the same fields every year. DILLY automates preparer tasks, referencing prior-year binders and replicating their actions. 
  • Enhanced OCR. Non-standard documents? No problem. SurePrep’s AI exports data from non-standard documents that traditional OCR technology doesn’t recognize. 
  • Automated K-1 Reclass. Organizing supplemental info has never been easier. Our AI-powered K-1 Reclass feature automatically suggests the appropriate destination for each line item. 
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Why not hire AI?

Let’s be honest. Your preparers didn’t get into the tax and accounting profession to spend all day entering data. And during busy season, their work probably piles up faster than they can manage. 

Fortunately, AI doesn’t mind exhaustive workloads. While it can’t replicate the expertise of your staff, it can power through simple tasks much faster and with better accuracy. 

Transforming your firm might be easier than you think. Hire AI to be your office workhorse so your staff can focus on the knowledge work they do best. 

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How AI saved tax season

Janover LLC credits its decades of growth and success to their willingness to embrace change. When their digital infrastructure needed a makeover, they implemented cloud-based technology that enabled their staff to work more efficiently.

We have a consistent process for all 1040s. Every return is the same whether you’re working for Partner A or Partner B. This is key for any firm not only looking to gain the most from its technology, but also its staff. 

Steven Hart, Chief Information Officer, Janover LLC

The firm used SurePrep’s AI-powered solutions to automate and standardize their 1040 workflow, seeing preparation time reduced by as much as 40%. 

There’s an enormous amount of savings on the prep side. It’s unequivocal. There’s no debate. 

Steven Hart, Chief Information Officer, Janover LLC
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Putting AI to work for your firm

The state of artificial intelligence in tax preparation 

In this webinar, you’ll learn: 

  • How tax preparation AI has evolved in the last year 
  • What AI will replace—and what it won’t 
  • The functionalities behind AI, such as machine learning and machine vision 
  • What AI can do for your 1040 workflow now and what’s next